Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Historic Districts: 15 Frequently Asked Questions, Part 9

Q. If there has been previous work done on my house that is not in compliance with Historic Design Guidelines, will I be required to change anything?

A. This is an excellent question. The answer is no. The Historic District Ordinance is triggered only when an exterior change is going to occur. The ordinance is not “retroactive,” a common misconception.

Highlights From the October Meeting

The commission discussed the proposed relocation of City Archives for conservation. The City has allocated space in the public works building on Turner Street and the commission is waiting to transfer the archives from storage.

A report was given on the new Facade Grant program from PACE. The program will give property owners in the Downtown National Register Historic District matching funds up to $5,000 for improvements to the facade of their building.

A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) hearing was conducted for a West Colonial Drive property in the Colonial Drive School Historic District. After the presentation of findings of fact and discussion the application was deemed congruent with design guidelines. The application was approved.